October 5, 2012

Beach Bowls

When I go to the beach and see holes and divots in the soft sand, I do not think 'hmm breakfast bowls'. But Victor Castanera does! This Barcelona based designer has developed a series of bowls made from casting plaster over naturally created divots in the ground. Never being identical, these bowls are all unique in shape and size. There is a social/ethical/environmental message being his work to do with industrial production and no doubt the environmental footprint, which is very ironic in this situation.

I'm sure there would have to be some form of sealant applied afterwards to make these usable and safe around food. You don't want plaster of paris or sand floating around in your morning cereal. That being said, I think there is something quirky and eclectic about these and would be interested to see how popular they would be as usable tableware. Found here. 

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